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Old 11-18-2006, 07:22 AM   #137
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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The only reason that part of the world has any power at all is because they lucked out in sitting on the worlds largest supply of oil, how long do you think their 'modern' societies would last if the oil ran out?
Probably about as long as our 'modern society' would last if our economy and industry vanished. Civilisation is as thin a veneer here as it is there, the beast just feels further away.

I'm not sure if they can uphold our values of freedom myself, just watch the bloodbath when we pull out.
I wonder if that bloodbath will kill more, or less, than the half a million+ deaths that we've caused? Also, the clue is in your definition of freedom as 'ours'. Why would they wish to uphold 'our' values?

The Arab world is still stuck in the feudal era, you can't reason with a primitive society on modern terms, they just go back to their stupid clan wars.
As opposed to our eminently sensible, and highly technological wars.
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