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Old 11-14-2006, 01:00 PM   #105
changed his status to single
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she was a sales clerk, and i had her ring out some stuff for me. i worked at night unloading semi's. perfectly legit, receipt to match... he didn't like me and took her in and accused her of stealing stuff, threatened her with arrest for theft unless she told them that i did it. kept her for several hours. she called me after they finally let her go and told me about it. i went down there with the receipt and called the store manager, the HR manager, and showed them the receipt so they thought the situation was settled. i told them it was just getting started. they had two choices, either they put out a formal apology stating that the security guard was an asshat and my sister did nothing wrong or i would end his career. they laughed at me and told me to leave.

two weeks later the security guard was mysteriously arrested after they received a tip that he was stealing things. he was so confident that he let them search his car... til they found a case of ralph lauren stuff in his trunk.

dumb bastard, picking on a little girl to feel tough...

*should also point out that he didn't like me because i removed him from the bar i worked at for being offensive. he got stupid and ended up embarrassing himself and his friends.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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