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Old 11-12-2006, 11:07 AM   #1138
A person. duh.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Some-where over the rainbow...
Posts: 9
My findings are strange...

Well, I found out a few things (mainly on the robot silvers page).
If you hover over all five circles from left to right, (use IE) the corner of the page where it says "done" will turn to five words, one per circle.

We Live As We Dream...

Then, I combined four sentences. I hovered over the two middle windmills and got What was that all about? and Did I kill Kiki?

Then, I used the sentences on the page where you clicked the date.

I got: What was that all about? Did I kill Kiki? There was nothing I could do. He had disappeared. Mabye that relates somehow?

Then, I found something else. On the page with the car, the rollover thing with the tractor says a life half lived. At the time, I was researching The death of a traveling salesman. It turns out, that is the name of a play with the salesman dying at the age of 60. That sounds like a life half lived!

Well, that's all I found. I hope it's useful.
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