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Old 11-10-2006, 12:20 PM   #67
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Yup. The situation sucks. And the American public is fickle. They supported the Iraq war when it began, and now they don't.

But how long do you give it to win a war like this? And shouldn't you expect to see some progress? At some point, shouldn't you look at the lack of progress, and the fact that we don't control one square inch of Iraq outside of the airport base by Baghdad, and draw the conclusion that we aren't winning? At that point shouldn't you contemplate cutting our losses? The overwhelming majority of Iraqis now think that Iraq was better under Saddam than under the US. They all hate us, not just the insurgents. It's that bad there. We already lost the damn war. You can keep hanging on to save face and claim we haven't lost yet, but the reality is very grim. Is it worth 50 soldiers a month so we can claim we haven't lost yet?

The only way I see to get victory out of this war is to triple the number of troops. We should have done that in the first place. I don't see it happening . Neither party would support that.
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