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Old 11-09-2006, 08:35 PM   #47
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by 9th Engineer
I don't know if society should take care of people who are facing hard times, I really see that as a responsibility of citizens. We throw so much stuff into the governments lap and then dust our hands off with a sigh of relief that we don't have to concern ourselves with it anymore.
Government wellfare will always be something to hang your head about, perhaps if people could be convinced to get their heads out of their asses we would be able to impliment something better
Government is the responsibility of the citizens. If more people would wake up and remember that the government is elected by the people in order to do the people's bidding, we'd all be a lot better off. Most individual citizens couldn't give a rat's ass about the poor and needy disabled. How much do YOU contribute to the local battered women's shelter? How about to programs for kids born with developmental disabilities. When's the last time you made aREAL contribution to a food drive for the needy in your area - and I don't mean just throwing a can of generic canned corn into a basket.

I am on SSDI and I don't hang my head over it. I worked and paid into the system for 30 years of my life only to become disabled and end up with a "benefit" of $671.00/month plus $10.00 in food stamps. The American people are so lacking in concern for those in need that its a national disgrace.

Why don't YOU get your head out of your ass and learn about the REAL world - especially in the country you live in?
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