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Old 11-03-2006, 04:46 PM   #131
Posts: n/a
I have not problem, personally, with those with fibro, they just shun me.
They just like to bitch, constantly, about how others don't believe they are sick. Since I don't have that problem, I guess they could care less about all else we have in common. It has happened at every pain group that was a fibro, exhausted disease, in disguise.
The same happens with SCI groups. Since I was born with my problem, I don't spend a lot of time complaining about "the good ol' days", "what if", "why" or any other fixation on the fact that I am sick and I can do nothing about it.... though I have had spinal injuries and they have contributed to my condition and being in the chair.
I complain some, kinda' why this thread is here. But, I also want to talk about chair accessories, canes, cooking, stem cell research, ADA improvements and how we can lobby/get better representation, etc, etc, etc.
Just sitting around and dwelling on being sick and what put you there is really counter-productive. I thought these were support groups?

The pain does do a lot to my concentration, mood, etc... but it has physical manifestations as well.

BTW, my wrist is probably broken, it is certainly badly sprained and I have six kidney stones... happy Halloween.
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