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Old 10-31-2006, 10:55 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Lefties want to take YOUR hard earned money and hand it to some worthless street scum who should actually be turned into solvynt green. Lefties undermine this great country's effort to gobble up oil - err, I mean make the world safe for freedom by uttering words of criticism about US foreign policy. Lefties are more worried about some dead Iraqi baby who probably would have grown up to be a terrorist, anyway, than they are concerned with Halliburten's annual profits. Lefties believe in global warming and are trying to undermine big business on the premise that this fairy tale is actually true. Same with other environmental issues. By time the last tree in the rain forest is cut down, we'll all be dead. Let the the damn younger generation worry about it. If the lefties would get out of the way, this country could become what it aspires to be - a cartel of international corporations and powerful special interests who run the world for their benefit. There would be no EEO, no civil rights, no ADA laws, and darkies and women would return to their rightful places in life. Damned lefties! Why not just call 'em what they really are? Red Commies!
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