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Old 11-28-2002, 06:57 AM   #23
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
This is cute...

Of course I'm a racist Dave! God, you're such a nigger! I keep Rho in the slave quarters out back, and also have a noose hanging over the entrance to our keeps her in her place.

(She nearly fell out laughing at this. For those not in the know, Rho--my fiance--is African-American.)

The shift against taboos seems to have started with the later end of my generation (mid to late 70s). The later generation (which would include Dave, jag, and my brother...1981 forward is what I've seen on the breakdown) has torn the wall down even more. From my own personal experience, when my friends and I would bullshit around as we did, some of our peers "got it," but many were mortified. Nowadays, it seems like many in that later generation "get it," while fewer are mortified.

UT, that was some sharp ass insight. I might have to give you a more expanded role in the Blastenbrei administration at City Hall.

Nic, I think I understand the point you are trying to make, but IMO, I think you are overreacting. It could very well be the generational gap, the difference between Canadian and American societies, I dunno...

I wouldn't say that Dave is immature for his age...he can be rough around the edges, but nothing that won't pass with time, IMO. In fact, he reminds me a lot of how I was at 21...the main difference is that my political thinking was more left--I was between what jag is now and what I am now. All in all though, I'd say he has his shit together pretty well.

One of the biggest problems with the Cellar is that you have a lot of smart people that gather here. And nobody likes to be wrong. Add those two together, throw in pinches of emotion and mean-spiritedness, finish off with dashes of generational and cultural differences, and it can get ugly.

I believe that we all can and should be able to get along, in spite of any differences we might have. It certainly can't be all roses and puppy kisses, but the general civility that exists here is what makes it stand out from the crowd. In the end, all we can do is continue to work towards better understanding each other.
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