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Old 10-24-2006, 11:23 AM   #6
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Originally Posted by Rush Limballs
The network was doomed from the start. You see, there really isn't a paying audience for angry people complaining about Bush on the radio. There may have been an audience willing to donate to keep the network going, ripping Bush, but the fact is that the market is saturated.

You don't need that type of network. You already have 4 or 5 TV networks that do that. It's old.

Pick up a a magazine....go see a movie, they are all ripping Bush.

The reason that I, El Rushbo, continue to kick ass and take names is that I explain (with references) all the BS of what's going on in the drive by media.

Whether there is a Clinton or not, I'm making money hand over fist.
I'm still holding out hope the Air America can get it together. If we can't get one place to give equal time to both sides then at least both sides can get air time.

As for the 4-5 TV networks bashing Bush, the networks bash anyone in office.
They don't care who it is.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and the world laughs AT you.
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