Thread: minidisc
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Old 11-26-2002, 01:50 PM   #21
Posts: n/a
It's definitely pretty tough, but I wouldn't recommend it for jogging. Here's how I use mine on any given day:

- in the car on the way to work - .5 hours
- sitting on my desk at work - 8.0 hours
- in the car on the way to the gym - .5 hours
- jogging on the elliptical trainer - .5 hours
- in the car on the way home - .25 hours

Though when it's on the elliptical trainer, it's not moving around as much as it would be when you're jogging. I think it probably <b>would</b> be okay for jogging, but if that's your main concern, I'd recommend a smaller solid-state player such as the MuVo. The iPod is super great for plane rides (never run out of new music), in the car (easy one-hand operation and a ton of music at your fingertips without the need to change CD's, etc), going for a walk, riding a bike... hey, pretty much everything <b>except</b> jogging. If I ever get into jogging, I will probably buy something like the MuVo and an arm-strap for it.

That having been said, the iPod is pretty tough. My dad dropped mine on the plane coming back from California in April (5GB model) - and then Jenni dropped it on a department store floor (from about waist height) a few months later, and it still works fine. My 10GB hasn't been dropped (except once, when it was in a padded case), so I can't speak of the newer models. But the old 5GB was definitely one tough cookie. I bet you could find 'em on eBay for ~$200, maybe even less.
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