Thread: Poindexter?
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Old 11-21-2002, 05:27 PM   #23
cellar smellar
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: californy, baby!
Posts: 403
You people seem to be missing the big picture -- Our government's purpose is to prevent all crime before it happens. As the Foundering Fathers said, "better 1000 innocent men go to jail than one guilty man be freed." (I believe they said something else, but that's what they meant, hence the 'foundering'.) They didn't have the ability to do this back then, but today our computers are fast enough and large enough to track the info needed to prevent crime. And over time, the database will improve, and fewer innocents will be bagged in the pursuit of each criminal. If you cooperate with the system, then you're less likely to be bagged yourself. But if you are called on to go to jail, it's your duty to 'pay your dues' as it were; that's the cost of freedom.
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