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Old 10-10-2006, 01:49 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Spexxvet
Have you answered my question yet.

I know you did not, it's not just what I think.:p
No... I don't. But, I live in a castle doctrine state.
If you are in my home uninvited/unannounced you are there to kill my family... you die. The same goes for a street threat. I must assume you are armed and mean me, or my family, harm with deadly force.
No responsible parent/spouse has the right to assume anything else IMO.
BTW... being fired upon, seeing a gun, is WAY too late.
My answer.

Don't know about CO... but in FL if you have reason to believe that you are in danger it does not matter what side of the door the body falls on... you have the RIGHT to protect yourself and that is right and just.
I was a bouncer and in security for several years, you never know what they have on them and you never know exactly when and how they are going to choose to do what they are going to do. If they choose to attack you or behave in a manner as to force you to respond in manner that is such that you must believe that your life is in danger, you have no time to "decide" what the intricacies of the law are. There is time to act and nothing else. At least FL and some other castle doctrine states have the wisdom to know that.

Oh... I do not have "republiblinders". I am a legalize it, go alternative fuel, pure Constitution followin', old timey, tie-dye wearin', liberal. That is why I believe in everyone's freedom to protect themselves just like we have always been able to do. Not one of these new fangled commie liberals.... they are not liberal at all, they are dictators in disguise.

Last edited by rkzenrage; 10-10-2006 at 02:04 AM.
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