Thread: Poindexter?
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Old 11-21-2002, 02:19 AM   #20
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423

First para - good point, I agree but think they're still too interested in chasing recreational pot smokers and technical violations of gun regs. while flatly ignoring foreign terror evidence.

Second - completely agree, not required, streamline

mindless ramble? Never stopped me

(sharp sarcasm) Come on one was ever CONVICTED of spying for China

Nic Name

Doesn't it really bother you that they seriously want to connect the "dots" between what books you take out of the library or buy on Amazon
So....all I need to do is set up an alias to buy my next copy of The Catcher in the Rye.
If wiretapping or other invasion of privacy is deemed desirable by the Agency, the judges who will authorize such will be nameless faceless judges of a secret court, who will not hear any submissions except from the Attorney General, if current practises are any indication.
I agree 100%
nice post, not too long (like mine) well layed out.


As our system is now, after a murder occurs the authorities track databases and find that indeed the perpetrator did buy garbage bags,an axe,rags, and heavy duty floor cleaner at 3:00 AM....after the fact. I bet the victim would have been grateful (albeit maybe even still ALIVE) if authorities had a clue before the murder.
The answer to all the world's problems is a good defensive handgun.
it's reaching to think that Saddam would sell nuclear capability to terrorists to bring America to it's knees, etc,etc....Really?
I have been unable to provide credible evidence that that may happen but if it does, I'm not sharing my long term storage MREs and disaster survival gear with anyone carrying a Democratic voting card (unless she's got ammo).

I don't feel good about this accountability because of the whole SS number and it's evolution, hope your right about the judges.

Nice to have you here at the cellar Cairo.

He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark mustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. - 1984. George Orwell
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