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Old 10-08-2006, 05:07 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
I actually was once in the position of seriously having to decide to kill someone or not. I got stalked by this complete wacko for three years. He threatened to kill me. In fact he once came after me with a piece of re-barb, and I barely made it into my house in time to lock the door and call the cops. I should have made charges against him, but I was scared of what he'd do if I did. He threatened to kill my best friend; and the last straw was when he threatened to kill my mother. I had a friend who was an ex biker chick and she coached me on what to do under Colorado's "make my day law." I was going to sit on my couch with the door unlocked (the guy was always cruising my street to see if I was home). I was going to hold my Dad's officer's colt in my lap and when he got fully inside, I was going to shoot him.

Lucky for me I had a good friend who is a young Gulf War vet and in excellent physical condition. My friend cornered my stalker in a parking lot and told him in exact detail just what he was going to do to him if anything ever happened to me. He also promised to track him to the ends of the earth if he had to. I guess my friend was pretty convincing because my stalker left town the next day and was never heard from again. I figure either someone else shot the dude or else he's in jail.
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