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Old 10-07-2006, 05:48 AM   #25
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by sproglet
So the point was to whore your fast food joint. Your pride is misplaced if you feel this is the image you want the rest of the world to associate with America (sorry Texas)

Even more pointless then IMO.

P.S. Why are you trying to sell that crap in Thailand? Thai food has provided some the most sublime and sensual culinary ideas to the world, why try and compete with this stodge?

EDIT : to add image seeing as it's an IotD thread ;-)
First of all your mind is in the gutter we are not trying to do anything but have a respectable restaurant. We have been doing large burgers here just like Denny since we opened. Why does anyone compete? To win!!

And for the PS you answered your own question. For the same reasons that Thai Food has made it's impact around the world we are doing the same in Thailand. Not so much with the big burger but in general with authenic American cusine and slow smoked BBQ. We were the second restaurant of our kind to open in the entire country of Thailand. I love Thai food so, I'm sorry but I don't see your point. Just as you may like Thai food, many Thai's here like the American food. Someone brought the Thai food to America and someone had to bring it to Thailand. And yes the burger was actually quite tasty, far from your incinuations.
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