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Old 11-19-2002, 03:11 AM   #103
Punisher of Good Deeds
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 183
By the way, to hold that the US actions are equivalant to those of the Jihadists *is* to defend the Jihadists.
Because it is OK to murder hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians living in squalor in a Third World country using our hyper-advanced weaponry.

After all, hey, they did it first.

And two wrongs make a right.

And you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

And as everyone knows, you can make the hatred stop or diminish by butchering their people, those who are innocent of *anything*.

After all, hey, if the evildoers (tm) are hiding cowardly amongst civilians, it's the terrorists' fault that we are blowing those civilians to shreds using smart bombs and remote cruise missile firings. Those thousands (?) of dead Afghanis sure were worth it in order to get to Osama bin Laden, and kill him. The thousands of dead Iraqis (from starvation, disease, etc) during the 90s sure were worth it - after all, it helped to remove Saddam.

... and justice for all.

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