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Old 11-17-2002, 02:03 PM   #141
in the Hour of Scampering
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Jeffersonville PA (15 mi NW of Philadelphia)
Posts: 4,060
Originally posted by Zorg

No matter what sort of lifestyle you live, what sort of surgery or treatment you subject yourself to, if you were born with a Y chromosomeyou will be biologically male, and therefore (primarily) mentally male, for all of time.
Tell that to the "man" with androgen insensitivity syndrome who's had a Y chromosome all "his" life and didn't know it. Or the transsexual women whose hypothalmic features match typical female patterns more closely than many XX women do.

(Actually you can't tell the ones who have actually been examined that way much, they had to be dead before their brains could be examined that way).

"Y-chromosome=male brain" simply isn't true. It's *usually* true, but not *always* true. Y chromosomes *usually* make brains that find women attractive, too. But not always.

The real world is more complicated than that.

What philgump is trying to say is basically, don't wear your sexual preference(or any other group identification) on your sleeve...
OK, everybody into unisex clothing, immediately! :-)

MaggieL is obviously deeply involved in the gay-lesbian-transgender 'lifestyle'.
What exactly *is* this "gay-lesbian-transgender lifestyle"?

Am I supposed to be living in Key West now? Provincetown? Northhampton? The Castro?

Should I have Judy Garland records? I *do* have a few k.d.lang, and there's even an Indigo Girls CD around here somewhere. Oh, wait...Judy is a gay *male* thing. Indigo Girls and k.d. are for the flannel shirt crowd. Damn....I don't have any flannel shirts either.

I suppose I should drop out of the amateur radio club, even though I'll be on their board of directors next year.

Actually, I tend to think of it as my "life". "Lifestyle" is an attempt makes it sound like some sort of superficial, changable ephimera, like a "hairstyle". Straight people have lives, queers "follow a lifestyle".

As long as you've divided people into "queers" and "straights" there will never be widespread acceptance of homosexuality.
And as long as you divide people into gentiles and Jews, there will never be widespread acceptance of Judaism, right? :-)
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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