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Old 09-17-2006, 07:04 PM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: brunei
Posts: 13
Thumbs up grateful

Thanx Undertoad

oh oh..i would like to say...i don't dislike dogs...i like looking at puppies they're adorable!!!but still...we can't touch them...i can just adore them looking at pictures/videos...i am afraid of the big ones this is a current problem here where recently...3 big stray dogs mauled an 8-year-old child while walking home from school..not sure about the full details though (whether he provoked the dogs or not)..he's alive though...last i heard he was in the ICU.

so there is a debate amongst the people here...some say strays should be put down gently(put to "sleep"?something like that)...and some opinions i read was to kill( ) them...however,in Islam,we are taught to never be cruel to animals..even to dogs & pigs...because they are God's creation again,in this day and age,it comes down to personal opinions...and depends on what the government says on the proper way to "dispose" of the it is also important here for those keeping dogs as pets to put collars around their necks..

some of the strays come from labour foreigners (construction) keeping them as pets but when they leave (construction done) they left the dogs there to be strays...sad,isn't it?and...i have noticed recently....there are quite frequent roadkills (accidentally or deliberately..i don't know) on the highways..

really grateful of your opinions you guys...

Quote: All Muslims are not the same, all Christians are not the same, all Americans are not the same, all Britons are not the same and all Brunei people are not the same.

never judge a book by its cover,right?
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