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Old 09-16-2006, 04:29 PM   #5
The future is unwritten
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IOtD has covered the ritual sacrifices for Eid several times. The things you mentioned have been mentioned before, occasionally, but the sight of mass slaughtering.... the streets and squares running red with blood.... is a strong image.

Like you, most people are repulsed by it, even if they understand the customs behind it. Probably not because it's done, but where it's done, on the street rather than in a slaughter house.
Maybe it's just, "out of sight, out of mind", makes it easier to cope with, for us who see meat as something wrapped up at the supermarket.
My grandparents slaughtered most of the meat they ate, whereas my parents did not. I suspect my grandparents would not be as shocked by the pictures as my parents might be. My parents, seeing their parents do it for the 20 years they lived with them, might be less shocked than myself, since I only witnessed it a few times each year. Each generation getting further from the live animals.

I don't know if you know,but here in my country and some others, shops selling food,restaurants,etc must get food that are certified by the authorities(good to eat-proper sacrifice,etc.)..if there are signs in the restaurants saying otherwise..we're not supposed to eat them (sin) but of course there are some who just don't care.hehe.
OK, so you can't eat it unless it's your version of kosher. I wonder how the rules compare?

ladyangevil, don't shut up. We're glad your here and glad your sharing your information, ideas and opinions. We may not always agree...... hell, we may never agree, but it's never bad to get another point of view. Thanks for coming.
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