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Old 09-15-2006, 12:24 PM   #93
You did what!!?
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Northern Victoria, Australia
Posts: 28
I believe people should be waiting until 18yo before getting tatts or piercings, although piercings can be removed any time. By the time I was 16 I had a total of 5 piercings in each ear (now only have 2) and I had my first body piercing at age 16 (it is legal here at that age) but didn't have the sense to research first so ended up getting a dodgy naval piercing by a dodgy tattooist that shouldn't have been piercing at all! Years later I was forced to take it out, due to the poor way it was done, and decided to have it re-done properly. I got a tattoo at age 21 after getting my mum to do the design so that it would be personalised to me and still waited 2 years before having it done.
Years later I had my tongue pierced on a whim and have not regretted it and then thought for a good 7months before having a vaginal piercing.

My partner has multiple tattoos (back, shoulder and legs) and piercings (7 around his face as well as both nipples and penis). One tattoo was done to cover up a bad home job from when he was a teenager and he doesn't regret any that he has now (15 years after the first) he wants at least one more tattoo and another piercing at age 30.

On the other hand my brother had had his tiongue pierced twice by the time he was 14 years old and got his first tattoo with mum's permission at age 16. He is still not 17 and has a large tattoo of the grim reaper on his shoulder blade as well as a few other body piercings. I do think that he'll regret the grim reaper tattoo when he's older as it isn't something that represents him or his life (his first is chinese writing - love, honesty) and knowing my brother as well as I do I know he'll wish he never had that one done.

By no means are we bad people or 'horrible' looking. Only shallow minded people judge on first looks.
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