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Old 09-15-2006, 09:12 AM   #89
You did what!!?
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Northern Victoria, Australia
Posts: 28
Originally Posted by goldencomfort1968
They can't express their true emotions." That's a bunch of bull...because they sure know how to say and do all the right things when they are trying to get us to date them, marry them, have sex with them, etc.
Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
That's not expressing true emotions, that's using what you want, as a tool to get what we want.
I believe that people say what you want to HEAR if they want something in return - eg. to tell you that you're beautiful to get you in bed. But they will tell you what they want to SAY or DO something nice because they like/love you and MEAN it. You can usually tell the difference.

In my experience men don't often think about love or relationships they are in or not express their feelings to you not because they don't love you but because they think you already know and don't feel the need to tell you all the time. Maybe a reminder to his face that you feel more secure in the relationship if he tells you everyday that he loves you or that you're appreciated. People can't read our minds whomever they are, tell them how you feel in your situation and what they can do to be more appreciative of you. Ask them to pay more attention to the way they address you. And show him that you and appreciate him, maybe by doing something special other than cooking his dinner or making his sandwiches.
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