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Old 11-14-2002, 11:43 AM   #64
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: So Cal.
Posts: 257
There's no double standard. It's called rationality, not extremism. You're calling for a definite answer to an uncertain question, and I provided you with a rational answer that says basically, if you would learn to comprehend what you read, that appropriate credible action is necessary and recommended. That's an unequivocable yes if a specific action is appropriate and an unequivocable no if it is not. You can not expect someone to foresee what will happen in the future and make a blanket permissive statement. That's like saying "Billy is a smart kid, so I respect and admire every action he ever does." That's foolishness, and it is even more foolish to apply that to a nation-state.

So it seems to me that your hang up that you think the world is black and white, right and wrong, good and evil; with no grey area. Well, I'm sorry, but you need to wake up. There is little to no such delineation in the world. It is almost all grey.
blippety blah bluh blah blah
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