Thread: Where were you?
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Old 09-10-2006, 09:14 PM   #3
in a mood, not cupcake
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 3,034
I was living in DC in Dupont Circle, getting ready for work with the TV news on, when they started coverage after the first plane fiance and I were watching while the second one hit, then we walked to work.

Of course, nobody was getting any work done. Suddenly, one of the web guys yelled, "They bombed the Pentagon!!" Then, "Everybody stay inside!" I thought, screw that, if I'm going to die today, I want to be with my fiance. So, I walked a couple of blocks (very quickly) to the bar he worked at, and spent the rest of the morning watching the horror on TV, and taking turns trying to use the pay phone to tell my family that I was OK. Went back to work for a little while, then walked home through a deserted Dupont Circle when the state of emergency was called.

I found out later in the afternoon that my cousin had been in the second tower, but had gotten out alive, thank goodness.
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