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Old 11-08-2002, 08:51 AM   #41
in the Hour of Scampering
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Location: Jeffersonville PA (15 mi NW of Philadelphia)
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Originally posted by hermit22
Ok, just read the fatwah again, and I still got the same message: it is a social commentary in the vein of Qutb and Al-Bana.
Well, that's a fundamental disagreement we probably can't resolve.

Qutb doesn't represent "social commentary"; the basis of his crusade--oops, excuse me: "jihad"--was religious orthodoxy. His call to overthrow Nasser was built on the theory that since Nasser didn't hew to the dogma of Ibn Taymiya and Ibn Wahhab, he was not a true Muslim and therefore should be deposed, and replaced with a government enforcing sharia law.

Imposing your own religious dogma on others through gaining control of the government just isn't "social reform" to my mind; if it is to yours we have no common ground to meet on and discuss this.

I will add that I could certianly understand someone who labelled Nasser as a "fascist" (despite his cozying up at times to the Soviet Communists), and that this is a reason to qualify the aims of Al-Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the panoply of organizations with similar goals as *islamo*-fascist, just to distinguish them from the other kinds of fascism floating around the region.
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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