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Old 11-02-2002, 08:44 PM   #21
Your Bartender
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Location: Philly Burbs, PA
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Originally posted by Undertoad
If it's a Ford product you can guess that there are lots of big pressy buttons on it. Ford likes big ol' buttons with rounded curvy tops, so older folks can find and press them easily, and so you don't poke out your eye if you crash into a button head first. But it does make the whole look and feel of the vehicle like a big padded room.
Heh....maybe the new ones. My 1995 Escort Wagon has a radio that's completely flat. Oh, some of the buttons have a little ridge on them, but basically it's impossible to tell what you're doing without looking down. It's even got a rocker-style button for the volume instead of a nice knob. A guy I know at work has the identical radio in his Taurus from the same period.

posted by mbpark
Speaking of which, I'm going to get an Mp3 deck for my car so I can play music in it. Right now I'm using a Sonicblue Rio Volt CD/Mp3 player in the tape deck to play CD's and Tapes.
I have one of those, the SP90. It has good features for the price (though I hate the "single circular button performs 4 functions depending on which quadrant of the circle you hit" interface in any context). I recently got an FM modulator so I could play it in my new minivan, which doesn't have a tape deck.
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