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Old 08-04-2006, 07:49 AM   #6
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hey Lilly

What a sickening situation to be in. I have also felt the bite of jealousy, and it is probably the most debilitating of all emotions. So you truly have my sympathy.

Some questions to clarify:

Who did he know first, you or her? I appreciate you need to feel more important than a work colleague, but was their "relationship" established before you came on the scene?

Have you felt jealousy in previous relationships? It does sound justified to me, but then I'm quite possessive myself and need to know I'm number 1 in a partner's life. Could it be you have worked yourself up to fever pitch and he is hiding things from you because you now have a hair trigger as far as she is concerned?

I really don't think you can tell him not to invite her to this dinner, but would you be able to swing it so that she wasn't seated close to him? I know 10 isn't a large table but surely you can sideline her to an extent?

The bottom line, sadly, is your fiancee doesn't want to stop seeing this woman. He gets pleasure from her company and rightly or wrongly is part of his life. Like Griff & Ibram say, it's going to be your choice as to how this affects your long term relationship with him. Take a deep breath and really examine your feelings. Good luck.
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