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Old 07-25-2006, 11:36 AM   #68
This moment is a gift, thats why they call it the present.
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 56
Originally Posted by Stormieweather
Good intentions gone awry...

All began with good intentions, but had the individuals involved been honest, things may have turned out very differently.

Howdy Stormie,

I think if you look back at my last couple post's you'll probably see what's coming from me. I'd like to give a general reply to your examples but ask others to reply to future examples as I'm sure "someone" has to be getting sick of seeing my name in this thread.

First possibility: Any of these examples could have started with bad intentions, not good intentions. Even close friends can be ruled and driven by internal conflicts and habits that we never even know about.

Second Possibility: Was the outcome actually negative or was it just perceived that way ? Can we be certain ? Maybe the outcome without the "good intention" would have been worse. Can we see the future or alternate pasts?

We work ourselves into a frenzy everyday over things "gone awry" and it's all just perception formulated by past events that we see our own individual way. (with attention to the initial purpose of this thread) Believing that our individual truth is the only correct one IS the ultimate DENIAL.
-- I’m a Father, Husband, Son, Computer Dude, Sometimes Artist, Thirty Something, American, Jeep Driver, and devotee to truth, on a life path to remove the labels placed on my existence. --
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