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Old 07-18-2006, 08:34 PM   #9
Rock Steady
Day Tripper
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Silicon Valley
Posts: 784
@Els: funny as hell those pagans.

Originally Posted by Brianna
I cannot stomach AA meetings, try as I might. The whole Christianity aspect leaves me dry-heaving. I hate those Holier-Than-Thou MF's. I really do. They believe that an alcoholic must prostrate herself on the alter of humiliation to get well. F*q that. humiliation and Chrisitanity is why I drank in the first place.
Amen, girlfriend. I know what you are saying. There is an AA group in Etan near here that we call "On-your-knees Etan". Twice I've seen people from that group go to other AA meetings and make some poor guy kneel down in the parking lot.

This same guy came to my FreeThinkers meeting and argued that we should re-institute the Lord's Prayer. I told him that I searched the Big Book, and the Lord's Prayer is never mentioned. Voting consensus was to keep the FreeThinkers format.

And, yea, the Catholic Church is the biggest factory that produces Alcoholics.

I went thru that AA phase and decided that I wasn't really an alcoholic after all. It was good to put the drink to the side for a while. Also, I came out of the whole process with some new tools. I still say the Serenity Prayer often.

Gwen, grant me
The Serentity to accept the things I can not change,
The Courage to change the things I can and
The Wisdom to know the difference.

Progress, not perfection.

Also, I found it to be a good idea for me after finishing a pint of rum, not to drive out and buy another one.
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