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Old 07-17-2006, 10:12 AM   #5
Slattern of the Swail
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 15,654
Labs, especially understaffed and overpressed American labs, have been known to make HUGE mistakes. HUGE. A man was poisoned by his wife with Anti-Freeze: the testing lab made a fatal error (very usual, by the way) and misplaced a decimal point in the results. Neveryoumind that antifreeze in ANY amount should NOT be found in humans...the lab dismissed it. Years went by before the wife was prosecuted. Medical mistakes are de riguer. It is POSSIBLE to doubt results--either lab or otherwise. Thats all I mean. d'you know how many false negative pap smears go by?
In Barrie's play and novel, the roles of fairies are brief: they are allies to the Lost Boys, the source of fairy dust and ...They are portrayed as dangerous, whimsical and extremely clever but quite hedonistic.

"Shall I give you a kiss?" Peter asked and, jerking an acorn button off his coat, solemnly presented it to her.
—James Barrie

Wimminfolk they be tricksy. - ZenGum

Last edited by Trilby; 07-17-2006 at 10:16 AM.
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