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Old 07-14-2006, 12:30 PM   #109
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 768
Wimpy (I'll gladly pay you Tuesday)

Personally, I've never believed in free will or a "soul," but for those that do, brain imaging evidence must seem like a threat.
You don't use science to explain your spiritual beliefs or lack there of.
Why not? You propose that "spiritual beliefs or lack there of [sic]" are somehow seperate from the brain? How could that be? From where does this "spiritual" component emerge? Flint's basic proposition is that anything outside our physicality enters the realm of the metaphysical (magic, etc). My only intent was to get people to talk about how almost all behaviors are now being reduced to brain chemistry, with a very explicit example. I said at the beginning how I feel about free will and a soul. Starting a thread with "I don't believe in God" would not produce much useful discussion.

Either "God" or this "greater power" (or both) are indeed dicks or there are no such things. To conclude the latter does not mean we should just sit on our hands and not do anything. Nihilism does not have to be negative. It's a starting point. It's up to "us," whatever our bodies can do to improve the world and help others. The "Golden Rule" should not be the exclusive province of the religious or spiritual. Are we not men, marichiko?
Things are never as good, or bad, as they seem.
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