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Old 07-10-2006, 10:45 PM   #112
Non-Newbie Sort
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 6
The driver read the warnings. Age limit = 12 yrs. Driver assumes okay for 12 yr old to try. Finds out too late (after injury) that 12 year old cannot control the tube. Driver has nothing to do with rider's control if boat is going at prescribed speed. Wind gust can suddenly throw 12 yr old 40 ft into the air. 12 year old does not have sufficient body strength to combat wind gust. Split second incident.

Regarding second rider. It is reasonable to assume that one bad experience does not predict all future experiences. Hence, try again with younger, more athletic rider. It is imperative to understand that two bad experiences in a row, with capable adult riders & boat driver = lesson learned. Third try would be inviting disaster...

Water skiing can be dangerous but typically danger increases with rider's pre-meditated decision to risk maneuvors. Rider does not have ability to make decision regarding maneuvors on kite tube. Rider makes the decision to lift into the air, and wind conditions determine subsequent height in a split second process. Rider can be 2 feet in the air and, with a sudden unexpected wind gust, can suddenly be 40 feet in the air with no balance control & subsequently slammed into the water with the kite tube on top of rider. Trust me, the instructional video does not show this type of occurance. When you watch the video, riders are perfectly balanced and only a few feet in the air. The warnings are there in writing, but one assumes, after watching the video, that they reference possibilities, not every ride probability.
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