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Old 07-07-2006, 03:10 PM   #3
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
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Originally Posted by Pangloss62

I've never believed in free will or a "soul," but for those that do, brain imaging evidence must seem like a threat.
You don't believe in free will??

Even people with neurological or brain defects can learn to control SOME THINGS.

That said I think when people kill there is too much labeling as if we will say, "oh, that explains it" Why not just say,
"He went bizirk! after all, WAR IS HELL"

Originally Posted by Flint
Our nervous system is composed of the same raw materials as the rest of the universe, thus it must obey the laws of physics like every other physical object. So, unless one believes that there is some "magical" quality to a human being, then one must accept that we are essentially automatons.

The ability to reason is not a 'magical quality' . A self -actualized person is just 'aware'.

Do you actually believe we are robots?? Or do things without thinking?? I mean aside from picking up that occassional frito bag.

Last edited by skysidhe; 07-07-2006 at 03:14 PM.
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