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Old 07-06-2006, 01:26 PM   #26
red-shirt guy
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Colorado
Posts: 101
She did both for a little while a couple of years ago, and then stopped. I had insisted she go to therapy, that's how she found out (I always thought she was just really, umm... dynamic. Tempestuous?). My original reason was, how much she stresses about things- if there's nothing massively wrong with life, she will find something to worry about, to the point of ulcers. I was worried about her health for one thing, and my sanity for another. Like I said before, if I'm happy she'll bring the pain until I'm visibly miserable, then she's ok for a little bit. That shit needed to stop.

What's odd is that she didn't worry like that during the first few years, but her behavior in other ways was atrocious at times- she's very charismatic, pretty, and usually sweet, so she usually got away with behavior that we (her friends) wrote off as being "princess tantrums". Although I don't imagine princesses using that kind of language.

I'd been nagging her to go back, off and on. Now she will be. I don't know how much benefit there was to the meds or the therapy- I'm kind of here, there and everywhere; not so much since we moved to Carson, but it makes it difficult to gauge.
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