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Old 06-27-2006, 10:39 AM   #3
red-shirt guy
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Colorado
Posts: 101
I felt very guilty. Now I just feel... bleak.

And now that I've emotionally barfed all over the Cellar, I'm gonna go fetch a mop.

What's funny is that I've always warned my soldiers that one of the "dangers" of the profession is a certain type of female who does everything she can to make you fall for her, when what she's really after isn't love but the military's security and benefits. They're usually women with prior experience with the military (usually, their dad was in), and they will suck your account dry, usually while cheating on you left and right (most don't consider it cheating- it's not a real marriage to them, so they just see it as... dating). I've seen it a million times. Hell, my last neighbor was one of these women, and unapologetic about it, although she never told her husband of course. He dumped her for cheating on him and she's already married to another soldier, one year later. I've always warned soldiers that if they go looking for dates online, to never, ever put on their profile that they're in the military, because it attracts these women like flies.

Damn, I'm dumb. Somebody smack me.
If it wasn't for hypergraphia, I wouldn't have put anything here at all.
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