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Old 06-24-2006, 01:50 PM   #63
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
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That is so typical.
Several years ago SWMBO worked as a direct care provider for two men who had severe autism, one of whom was possibly retarded as well. The guys needed 24 hour care. A couple of the other staff members along with SWMBO were dedicated and ethical people who really put in 100% despite making less than they would at Burger King (truth).

Other staff members were not so ethical. One example was when one staff member wanted to play a prank on the other staff member at the expense of their charges.

The guys were on pretty strict diets, most importantly NO sugar or caffeine. The second shift gal had a grudge against the third shift gal who was an overnighter. She'd put the guys to bed and hang out all night to be sure they were ok.

On this particular occasion the second gal let the guys chow snickers bars and mountain dew all day, didn't say a word, and dropped the guys back at the home and left the third shift gal with a couple of boucing off the walls autistic men who didn't get a minutes sleep that night and were almost completely wild.

There was no point in the woman reporting it, the other woman would have denied it, there was no evidence (beyond her laughing about it with her compatriots). The place was chronically understaffed so they weren't gonna fire her, and if anyone went to the state about, they'd get fired for making waves. The company wanted these guys because they got extra money for them.

The owners of the company were immensely wealthy, btw and would frequently hire their own clients to do yard work etc., paying them some miniscule prison wage. For which the owners were reimbursed with a bonus by the state.

What a disaster.
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