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Old 06-17-2006, 09:14 AM   #15
King Of Wishful Thinking
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Philadelphia Suburbs
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Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
The Cellar is BBS withdrawal.

He buys a load of hardware with some money that he'd made by doing consulting work. We set the system up in Scott's cellar. He has gotten an illicit copy of SCO Xenix from a friend who works in SCO tech support, and somehow we load the machine and get it running.
You know, UT, maybe with SCO running around suing everyone, you might want to leave out that little piece of Cellar history.

I would love to know at what point I joined the Cellar. I made it to one GTG at RTM, and to the BBQ at UT's house. I remember the Cellar move and the issues with the call forwarding. Not counting a sporadic period during the Telnet years, I guess that means I've been here on and off for 10 years out of the past 16.
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