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Old 10-09-2002, 01:28 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2001
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And thank goodness we all know for absolute certain that Hussein will never ever act irrationally.
Hussien is ambitious, nto stupid, look at his pervious actions 'irrational' no, ambitious, yes. I think Cam has illustrated my point.

So by that same argument, the Taliban never would have housed al Qaeda, because it wasn't in their national interest to do so.
Actually it was in theri national interest, by the stage Al Queda virtually controlled the Taliban.

Syc - I've seen a mix of things. I think the most accurate quote i saw which was from a video was froma street stall owner "You'll find plenty of people here who dislike Saddam, but noone here likes the US".

Who's to say he can't come up with a strategy whereby he honestly believes he can bring down the US? The problem is, we don't really even want him to *try*.
You're not being logical. There is no reason for him to attack the US, and don't even try the rather silly ' he's a madman because he used chemical weapons ON HIS OWN PEOPLE' line, it's equally silly. Saddam's forces are half what they were at the start of the gulf war, war is not what he wants. Yes, he misestimated US forces in Kuwait, the same way the US misestimated Vietnam, Somalia et al. I don't see you calling the US army irrational.
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