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Old 06-09-2006, 07:42 PM   #51
Goon Squad Leader
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But as to the topic of the thread, this news item captured my attention recently.

Continuous Contraception.

The voice in the article said something interesting, that the number of periods women have "these days" is far greater than what our ancestors (well the women) had. Today's number is approximately 420 (no connection AFAIK). The reason it used to be less is that a young woman would become pregnant upon reaching sexual maturity (menarche) and then spend much more time either pregnant or lactating, both of which inhibit the cycle.

They further said that the current contraceptive hormonal dosing schedule is an entirely artificial and arbitrary decision made in the days before instant pregnancy checks. One reason was so that a woman might know she was not pregnant by the monthly bleeding. One point I didn't get very clearly was that the current situation, of a woman on oral contraceptives, is that she's not expelling an egg, she's only bleeding. I'll have to check up on that.

The point about continuous contraception was to have a regular dose of estrogen and progestron (?? from memory, sorry) over the whole thirty days, instead of the earlier schedule of 21 on and 7 off. This regulates the levels and guess what else is thereby regulated? PMS. It sounds good to me.
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