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Old 06-09-2006, 12:07 PM   #40
Elite Elitist
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 341
Originally Posted by Aliantha
PMS is a really difficult issue to deal with because it's certainly crazy to suggest it to a woman when she's in the thoes of it, and after it's gone, I guess maybe you're just glad it's over or maybe even wonder if you were just temporarily insane.

I know this because I definitely have a problem with pms myself. It's gotten worse as I've gotten older. The best way I can say to deal with it is to try out a couple of ideas and see if one works. What works for me is evening primrose oil and st johns wort. I pop a couple of those babies each night before bed in the week leading up to and during my 'pms period' and everything is much calmer. It also helps that my SO is understanding and usually comes home bearing magnitudes of chocolate and take-away so I don't have to worry about cooking etc.

It's a small price to pay for domestic harmony from his perspective, and from my perspective, when it's all over, it just gives me another reason to love him just that little bit more.
Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a go in another 20 days or so.
I've been bringing home food a lot lately, YUM!
I've been working nights since Easter weekend, I think part of the whole package is that she misses me in the eveing whe she has nobody to help with the bedtime routine with the kids.
Still though - PMS or not - when you hear the words "this ain't working out, maybe we need to separate" doesn't sit well no-matter what's going on behind it.
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