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Old 06-08-2006, 10:09 AM   #72
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 5
About Vitamin B17:

Instead of hard and fast proven data, Annoyed gives us "vitamin B17". a 5-minute search of the web turns it up at Quackwatch (emphasis is mine):
For one thing - QUACKWATCH?? Are you serious? Who believes anything they say on their site? They are the QUACKS.

The following people have been noted in the past for being QUACKS!

Christopher Columbus was attacked for saying the earth was round.

Gelieo was in prison for teaching that the earth moved around the sun.

The Wright Brothers were rediculed & condemned for claiming that a machine could fly above the earth.

William Harvery was disgraced as a physician for believing that blood was pumped by the heart & actually moved around the body through arteries.

Another known doctor as fired from his hospital post for requesting that his maternity staff wash their hands!

So tell me WHO ARE THE QUACKS HERE? Gee, like I'm going to believe them.

Vitamin C got rid of Scurvy and Vitamin D got rid of Rickets. Need I say more.
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