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Old 06-07-2006, 03:15 AM   #46
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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I've been having a think about this thread over the last couple of days and I wanted to put something to the other members besides annoyedsas.

Can you imagine how you'd feel if you did indeed have cancer? If so, if you thought you had a cure for it, don't you think you'd want to tell the world? And if it came to that and someone tried to tell you that your idea is loopy, don't you think that your reaction would be hostile simply because when you're facing death head on and someone tells you that the exit door you have in mind isn't working, you either have to go ahead and try it for yourself, or accept that there's no point and simply give up.

Which would you choose?

For my mind, I'd say if I had to choose one or the other, I'd keep charging forward, and I'm pretty sure most other people would choose that option also. This leads me to the real point of this post.

Where's the compassion? Maybe you think the particular poster is a crank or a loony, but what if he/she is not? What if this person is fair dinkum? How will you feel if your negativity causes him/her to go along with your line of thinking and they start to doubt their own treatment which leads to their death? Who can really say what might or might not cure cancer?

It seems to me there's a lot of grey area still with that particular disease, and if someone finds something that works for them, then anyone associated should either be supportive or back off, just as with cancer you either live or die. 90% of the cure is in the mind anyway, but then, that's just my opinion.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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