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Old 06-06-2006, 11:23 AM   #6
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Posts: 17
Originally Posted by Ibram
The menstrual cycle is a man's worst enemy. Except maybe those chairs that, if you dropp something, it ALWAYS finds its way down between the cushions somewhere, and due to how the chair is made, you cant ever get to it.
I believe PMS is also a women's worst enemy. When my husband has mood swings I call it Pissy Man Syndrome.

Yes, I know how hard PMS can be on a man when his SO is going through it, but I'd like to see a man go through all that the woman dealing with PMS goes through and see how they handle it. Let's see all the men out there go through horrible cramping, headaches, mood swings, crying, feeling like nobody cares, bloating, weight gain, bleeding for 7 days or more or less, extreme fatigue, and then on top of it all we are supposed to act as if nothing is wrong...we still go to work, still take care of our families, still run a household, etc. all while feeling like crap every three weeks or so.
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