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Old 06-05-2006, 09:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 76
Im a frickin lunatic

OK guys... Im not a frequent user on here, but I was hoping I could get some input, and maybe find a few people in a similar situation.

I just get rediculously sad sometimes. I just get hysterical and cry for seemingy no reason. For example. I had a pretty good weekend, and then last night I went to bed aroudn 11:00 with my boyfriend... all of a sudden I felt all weighed down and started to cry... didnt fall asleep until maybe 1AM... Then again this morning.. I was ok, but then I looked at my online banking thing and noticed that one place overcharged me by $5 bucks...and I got hysterical again... Just a few months ago, I was taking the train to work and it was crowded, so I was in the area in between trains (do it all the time).. the conductor came through and told me I couldnt be there so I moved inside.... started crying... cried on and off all day...

Ive had these mini depressions (never last too long...weeks rather than months...sometimes even just days...or hours) for a long time.. I always just attributed them to low self esteem and being alone.... but now I am in a relationship... still low self esteem but just really dont care as much about my appearance now... and yet I still just get painfully sad and anxious....

My family has a history of this... my mom took some hormones and got better, but the timeing of her bouts was always when she had too much estrogen... With me, it could be any time ...

I dont really want to go to a psychiatrist because its not like im bi polar, and im not clinically depressed.... Im just really really really sad sometimes... more often than I should be...

Anyone else like this?
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