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Old 06-04-2006, 06:58 PM   #42
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 5
I'm not a fan of promiscuous behavior for men or women. However, I know there's a double standard and that's not cool. I'll just say this -there are some reasons for that double standard. In general, women have far more opportunities for sex. By nature, men are usually the pursuer when it comes to sex (notice I said usually, there are definitely exceptions to the rule).

With that being said, men (at least those looking for a relationship and not a one night stand) prefer those ladies that show some restraint when it comes to sex. We know that most women could go out every night and find a willing guy to do the nasty with (that's a scientific term). As crass and unfair as it is, most guys I know tend to separate women into two categories: those you take home to see Mom, and those you take home for the night.

When it comes to a long-term relationship, men want to be with those women that have shared their bodies with only a few deserving people. It makes us feel like we're getting something special. Is it stupid? Maybe. Egotistical and unfair? Probably. But that's the way it is. When it comes to serious relationships, men will always prefer women that have been more selective over those women with a more promiscuous past.
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