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Old 06-04-2006, 07:21 AM   #33
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 24
cure for cancer

Okay, my last posting because I am in total disbelief of the majority of responses I have read about beating cancer. It is a lOT to do with the power of the mind. When I was told I had a brain tumour in Sept. 2004 and wasn't supposed to even see Christmas that year I walked out of that office and said Fuck you lot. Wait and see. I have a very strong will. I had the chemo and radio. It made me very sick. I am now taking: DHEA compound; Pic-Mins (mineral supplement); Arctic Distilled Cod Liver Oil; Methyl-Guard;Deluxe Scavingers; Vitamin C; Evening Primrose Oil – 500mg 3 times a day;Vitamin E Capsules – 1000mg 3 times a day;1 Lemon Juice a day - pure fresh squeezed 'neat';powder of: Withania somnifera - Cytoprotective for normal cells, anti-inflammatory, antitumour, general tonic
Astragalus membranaceus - immune stimulant, potentiates the action of
Bacopa monniera - excellent anti-inflammatory, reduces fitting in epilepsy
Taraxacum officinalis - Liver tonic
Silybum marianum - Hepatoprotective, restores damaged liver cell function
Curcuma longa (turmeric) - Anti carcinogenic, activates phase 2 liver enzymes, helps restore positive gut flora. – 9 capsules daily (capsules are 00 size);Antioxidant powder – 6 capsules daily;Sheep Sorrel Combination tea; and dare I say it Apricot kernals.
Aliantha, I am truely sorry for your loss and I think that the clinic you attended were just out for money. It is disgusting they should do such a thing. Well, that's all folks. Interesting writing to you all.
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