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Old 06-03-2006, 03:23 PM   #37
Jotter of Notes
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 11
First thing to be aware of is there is a big difference between a tortoise, a terrestrial herbivore' and a turtle, amphbious omnivore. We do not do turtles in our ring of tortoise lovers. Turtles are more aggressive, slimey and tend to carry diseases like salmonella if not kept in an optimal environment where they can not dine on carrion. We have four tortoises. Two were raised from babies and the two adults. their up keep is pretty easy once they get about five years old or better. they are allowed to cruise around the fenced backyard. As herbivores they can live on moist lawn grass. They do not drink water and all their water requirements are met from what they eat. They love plums, apricots most other fruit. We really do not have to feed them but Janice, my wife, spoils them. She actually packs the fridge with iceberg lettuce for the big guys; Johnboy and Petunia; and hearts of romaine for the little ones; Raisen and Putt Putt. We sometimes get in mildly heated discussions on the cost benefit of buying them lettuce especially when lettuce starts hitting $1.50 or more a head. Thats when I suggest she talk to the local store produce manager to save scrapes for them( which they have done in the past as this is a small town) but she thinks that is icky and keeps buying the lettuce for her loved ones. At that point I just internally grumble knowing I am the relative newcomer here since we have only been married 31 years and they have been with her for almost 49 years. But relief comes in late October when the lettuce price is the highest and they go into hibernation till next spring. During that period they do not eat at all so all is well. They are good for your blood pressure since they move slowly but determined on their course. I would provide pictures but I do not have a digital camera and would need help with that if I did borrow one. Note I am a relative newbie to the cellar. buy the way Saturdays picture post is of a turtle..not a tortoise
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