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Old 05-31-2006, 10:04 AM   #58
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
I rate this thread a 2.

It started out a 2 because Steve asked us to vote in this lame bartender contest. Steven please, don't start some lame-ass thread to get your lame-ass bartender some lame-ass vote whoring, which is just about the lamest thing the Internet is used for,... and then get all mad because someone called it lame.

It went up to a 5 when LJ pointed out that Kelly was dirtyish but not hot and this led to an actual discussion of the tenders.

Then it went to a 2 when it disintegrated into the usual thread about everybody, instead of about any topic in particular, which led to the insanely predictable side-taking and chucking of spears.

Have you got nothing but drama to share? Shuddup all you fux, and start some threads which are really cool.
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