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Old 05-23-2006, 11:11 PM   #9
a real smartass
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I don't think so. They are not saying that health-minded mice avoid carcinogens. They're saying that they can cure late-stage cancers in mice. That is a significiant difference. Moreover, it is not common for white blood cells to destroy cancer.

They're saying that they bred a mouse which does not get cancer because it's white blood cells seek and destroy cancer. This ability is inherited by the mouse's descendants.

They can destroy cancers in other mice by injecting those mice with white blood cells from the super-mouse. By this method can eliminate even late-stage cancers. They claim there are no side-effects.

They don't know how the mechanism works or why this mouse's white blood cells destroy cancer, just that they do.

They're not sure how to get this working in humans yet. They're guessing that some humans also have cancer-destroying white blood cells (but you need to think of an ethical way to test for this). They've thought up a possible way to spread the benefits to humans, but they haven't tried it yet.
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