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Old 07-10-2001, 11:09 PM   #7
Semi-Evil Genius
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Boulder CO
Posts: 195
Woah! I did not even know what she was protesting until I read Jag's post. This is why naked chicks is not good advertising.

PETY: People for the ethical treatment of yeast

All kidding aside I think that PeTA is a good thing. Although I disagree with them, they give another side to the argument. People should be open minded. Unfortunately PeTA gives themselves a bad name when they do a stupid stunt like this.

In this case, the root cause for zoos now-a-days is animal extinction due to loss of habitat. PeTA is just fighting a symptom of that cause. It seems to me an that organizations like greenpeace understand better what is going on, and therefore they tackle the issues in a way that isn't so cutsy; ie. pulling a PR stunt.
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