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Old 05-14-2006, 06:40 PM   #17
The Sheriff of Nothingland
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Melbourne, Aus
Posts: 1,794
walking is very boring. but you might find that swimming is "too difficult" to start off with and you might get frustrated quicker. i consider myself a fit person but when it comes to swimming, i dont think i could even make it to the end of the pool in one go. but then again i have no technique

if you make walking a challenge, it wont be as much of a chore. try walking a certain distance away from your house, until you start getting tired, then you have to walk back. the next day try and go a little further, and so on and so on. take some music to listen to as well.

just have a look around for the many different excercises you can do.

if you are embarrassed in public, even if someone goes as far as to call you names, who gives a fuck. youre doing something that they would never be able to do, youre stronger and more determined than they will ever be. no matter what anyone else says about you or thinks about you. its not going to stop you from achieving your goals. and as griff said, most people will be on your side, thinking "its really great that hes doing this, i hope he does well".
something we both can enjoy??
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